Election Financing

5-What information is disclosed publicly?

Political parties report the contributions they receive annually and both political parties and candidates report their contributions following an election. However, only political contributions over $250 in total are disclosed publicly. A contribution over $250 is made when the total of monetary and in kind contributions exceed $250, even though both the monetary and in kind contributions, individually, may be less than $250. 

3-Who can make a political contribution to a party or candidate?

Contributions can be made by persons as:

  • an individual
  • a corporation which is incorporated in any jurisdiction
  • a partnership or other unincorporated association, organization or body that is registered under the Partnership and Business Names Act

Unincorporated groups are:

  • a trade union 
  • a political party
  • any other entity that is not a person

1-What is a political contribution?

Contributions are gifts made to a party or candidate for campaign purposes in the form of money, a good, a service or a discount off the usual price of a good or service. It does not include volunteer labour when, for example, a person works on a party's or candidate's campaign without receiving compensation. 

There are 2 types of contributions:

- monetary

- contributions in kind (goods and services)