5-What information is disclosed publicly?

Political parties report the contributions they receive annually and both political parties and candidates report their contributions following an election. However, only political contributions over $250 in total are disclosed publicly. A contribution over $250 is made when the total of monetary and in kind contributions exceed $250, even though both the monetary and in kind contributions, individually, may be less than $250. 

Contributions made to a party are aggregated (totalled) for a calendar year. If the total of all annual contributions plus all campaign contributions to a particular party exceeds $250 in the calendar year, the contributor's information will be publicly disclosed. Aggregation for reporting purposes does not occur between the party and its candidate(s), between two or more parties, or between the candidate(s) for a particular party. Candidates' campaign and the party's campaign are reported as separate events. 

For contributions over $250, the Chief Electoral Officer is required to disclose publicly:

  • the total amount of the contribution
  • the type of contribution (monetary or in kind)
  • the contributor's name and address, and
  • where the contribution is, or includes a contribution in kind, a description of the contribution

Public disclosure occurs in an annual report submitted by the Chief Electoral Officer to the Speaker for tabling in the Legislative Assembly. Once tabled, the report is posted to Elections Yukon's website. These reports include the community in which the contributor lives; not the complete address required on the official receipt. 
