4-Are there any requirements for parties to follow regarding election advertising?

During an election period, every notice or advertisement that refers to an election, whether printed, broadcast or published electronically, shall include the name and address of its sponsor. 

The above does not apply to any printed notice or advertisement that bears, with no information, message or symbol that relates to an election or voting, only one or more of the following:

  • the colours or logo of a registered political party;
  • the name of a registered political party;
  • the name of a candidate.

Every person who erects, posts or affixes any notice or advertisement that refers to an election shall:

  • comply with all safety rules imposed by the owner of the property or by municipal or other regulatory authority; and
  • have it removed within 30 days after polling day

Any notice that is posted pursuant to the Elections Act may be posted or affixed to any public building or structure by any means, provided that it can be removed as required.
