3-How do I register a political party?

Each registered political party must provide:

  • the name under which the party is to be registered
  • the abbreviations or informal names, if any, by which the party desires to be known
  • the name of the leader of the party
  • the address of the place at which the party conducts its business
  • other officials of the party, including the president or other responsible individuals

Each registered political party is required to confirm or update the particulars of its registration within 30 days of receiving a request from the Chief Electoral Officer. 

To register a political party, the chief electoral officer shall:

  • record in a public register of parties the name and address of the political party and any other information the chief officer considers appropriate
  • issue the political party written confirmation that it is a registered political party

Registration requirements include the support of 100 eligible electors within the organization, as well as the consent of persons who will serve as the party leader and party official.

A political party must not become registered during an election period.

On being informed by a registered political party of any changes to the name of the party or the other particulars of its registration, the records kept under the Elections Act are updated accordingly. 
