School board elections

School board trustees oversee how designated schools are run. They work with the Department of Education to make sure educational programs meet students' needs.

There are two school boards in the Yukon. Each board has five elected trustees.

Upcoming school board elections

School board elections happen every three years. The next school board election will be in fall 2025.

More information about school board elections will be available in early fall 2025.

Past school board election results

Visit our resources page for the results of past school board elections and by-elections, including who was elected.

Schools operated by a Yukon school board

The Yukon has two school boards. The education area of both boards is the whole of Yukon. Combined, they operate 13 brick and mortar schools.

Commission scolaire francophone du Yukon (CSFY)

Commission scolaire francophone du Yukon (CSFY) was established in 1995. It operates and manages the following schools:

  • École Émilie-Tremblay, Whitehorse
  • Centre scolaire secondaire communautaire Paul-Émile-Mercier (CSSC Mercier), Whitehorse
  • Programme en français de Dawson, Dawson City
  • École Nomade, virtual/home-schooling program

First Nation School Board (FNSB)

The First Nation School Board was established in 2022. It operates and manages the following schools:

  • Chief Zzeh Gittlit School, Old Crow
  • Eliza Van Bibber School, Pelly Crossing
  • Ghùch Tlâ Community School, Carcross
  • Grey Mountain Primary School, Whitehorse
  • Johnson Elementary School, Watson Lake
  • Kluane Lake School, Destruction Bay
  • Nelnah Bessie John School, Beaver Creek
  • Ross River School, Ross River
  • St. Elias Community School, Haines Junction
  • Takhini Elementary School, Whitehorse
  • Watson Lake Secondary School, Watson Lake

Eligibility to vote or be a candidate in a school board election

You can vote or be a candidate in a school council election if you are a Canadian citizen, at least 18 years old and you:

  • are the parent/guardian of a student who attends a school operated by the board OR
  • have lived in the Yukon for at least three months and meet the board's language criteria.

Langauge criteria for Commission scolaire francophone du Yukon (CSFY)
Have minority language rights under section 23 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, namely:

  • French language: first language learned and still understood is French.
  • Primary school instruction: received part of your primary school instruction in Canada in French as a First language.
  • Family continuity: a parent whose child is receiving or has received their primary or secondary school instruction in French as a First language

Language criteria for the First Nation School Board (FNSB)
Be a member or entitled to be a member of a Yukon First Nation and have an ancestral language that is a Yukon First Nation language.

Voting in school board elections

More information on voting options, including dates and times will be available in early fall 2025.

Being a candidate in school board elections

To be a candidate, you need to:

  • be an eligible elector
  • complete a nomination package, including having at least three other people nominate you, and
  • submit your nomination package before the deadline.

Nomination packages will be available closer to the start of the election.

School board trustees are elected for three-year terms. Their term starts once they are are sworn in.

Filling vacancies on a school board

Occasionally, a school board trustee resigns between elections. If this happens, the Minister of Education will call for a by-election to be held.

Learn more about Yukon school boards

If you have questions about what school board trustees do:

Questions about school board elections

If you have questions about school board elections, contact us by emailing [email protected] or calling 1-866-668-8683.


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