2024 School council general elections

The 2024 school council general elections for the seventeen (17) Yukon Education schools will run from April 15 to May 6, 2024.


Official results for members elected by a vote (poll held) and by acclamation (no poll held) are now available.

Who can vote or be a candidate in a school council election

You can vote or be a candidate in a school council election if you are a Canadian citizen, at least 18 years old, AND you:

  • are the parent/guardian of a student who attends the school
  • have lived in the school's attendance area for at least three (3) months.

You may be able to vote or be a candidate in more than one school council election.

If you are not sure which school attendance area you live in, check the attendance area maps or contact the Department of Education's school council liaison.

Who can vote or be a candidate in a Catholic school council election

You can vote or be a candidate in a Catholic school council election if you are a Canadian citizen, at least 18 years old, AND you:

  • are the parent/guardian of a student who attends the school
  • have lived in the school's attendance area for at least three (3) months AND are a registered parishioner at Sacred Heart Cathedral parish or Our Lady of Victory parish.

If you do not live in the attendance area or are a Catholic who is not a registered parishioner, you may still be able to vote or be a candidate in a Catholic school council election. Contact the Catholic Diocese of Whitehorse (867-667-2052 / [email protected]) to discuss additional eligibility options.

Candidates in the school council election

The election period is closed and official results are now available.

Voting in school council elections

Polls were held on Saturday, May 4 and Monday May 6, 2024.

The 2024 school council election period is closed and unofficial results are now available. Find the official list of members elected by a vote (poll held) or by acclamation (no poll held).

Learn what school councils do

If you have questions about what members of a school council do:

Questions about the school council election

If you have questions about the school council election, contact Elections Yukon by emailing [email protected] or calling (867) 667-8683.


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